7 Tips to Help You Speak Fluent English Faster.

Bùi Huy Cường
4 min readFeb 5, 2018

Tip #1: Use the Best Learning Methods

Here is my progress equation:

Progress to English fluency = What you do X time

What you do is important. If you spend 20 hours per week learning
irregular verb tables, then you won’t make much progress.
What you spend your time doing is important. And certain things will
help you get to fluency faster. For example:

  • Learn words in context instead of learning single words
    (Sentence Method)
  • Improve your pronunciation by learning the sounds in English
    and working on things like intonation, rhythm, and stress
  • Listen to things that are relevant and interesting to you

Tip #2: Spend More Time on Your English

The more time you spend learning or using English, the quicker you will progress. This is the second part of the equation.
I receive so many emails from learners telling me that they’re too busy
to learn English. And I get it. We all seem to be so busy these days.
However, I have two things to say about that.

  1. If learning English is so important to you, make it a priority. Make
    it part of your daily routine.
  2. Do things in English while doing other things.

Listening to a podcast while commuting to work is one example. But
also do things in English instead of in your native language. For
example, search for things online in English, watch TV in English, and
change the language of your devices into English.
Even if you’re super busy, there are ways that you can do more things
in English. The more time you spend in English, the better.

Tip #3: Make Your Learning Specific to You

This next tip is going to make you a much more effective English
learner. It’s going to make sure that you don’t waste your time.

Everyone is different and the English that you need to learn will be
different to the English that someone else needs to learn.

Think about why you need to learn English and how you are going to
use it. If it’s for the IELTS exam, then spend your time learning English
specific to that. If you mainly use English for work, then learn business

Additionally, work on your weaknesses. Evaluate yourself or get evaluated by a teacher and make a fluency plan specific to you.

Tip #4: Enjoy Your Learning

Many studies have shown how important fun is when it comes to learning. If you are doing things that are boring, then stop doing them. When you are not engaged, you are not as open to new language. Things aren’t memorable. And it’s difficult to continue doing something over the long-term that doesn’t interest you.

So, do things that you enjoy and watch, read, and listen to things that interest you. Not only is this more fun and, therefore, more beneficial for your learning, but you will also be learning the type of English that is specific to you.

Tip #5: Set Goals

I have a quote for you…

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”​~ Napoleon Hill

Don’t just say that you want to learn English. Instead, set a specific goals with a deadline. Having a goal with a deadline gives you a specific long-term plan, keeps you motivated, and helps you set a plan for reaching this goal. Your goal should be challenging. It should be a little bit scary. This ensures that you push yourself to actually make fast progress to fluency.

Tip #6: Stay Consistent

Many learners go through what I call “Cycles of Learning”
This is where you get really excited about learning English and study
really hard. You think, “This time I am going to study 3 hours a day and
continue doing it.”

But, then, after a few weeks or a few months, you lose motivation. You either reduce the amount of time you spend learning English or you stop learning for a period of time.

Having a goal, making things specific to you, and having fun all help you to stay consistent. But additionally, the following two things will help you:
1. Making your learning plan part of your daily routine
2. Doing things that are sustainable

This ensures that you get into the habit of learning English. And your
level of English in the next 6–12 months is dependent on your daily
habits and routine.
Consistency is vital.

Tip #7: Know You’ll Make Mistakes But Learn from Them

Speaking in English can be scary. I know because I receive a lot of emails about this. Listen, you are going to make mistakes. It’s natural. It’s impossible to avoid mistakes as an English learner. One thing to know is that native speakers make mistakes all the time. I do it. We all do it.

If someone laughs at you when you make a mistake, either laugh with them or, if they are being nasty, leave the conversation. Learning from your mistakes is really important. This is how you will improve. So, get feedback on your speaking and writing and keep progressing.

Thanks for reading.

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